Thursday, November 1, 2007

One family ritual that I do every year is putting up the Christmas tree. We always put the tree up the next weekend after Thanksgiving. So that means I will be preparing for that soon because that’s our next break coming up this school year. My sister, my little cousin and I always over to y grandma house and out up her two trees. My little sister Shany and Farad my little cousin and I are always at my grandma Clara’s house during the holidays. My grandma makes sure of it to buy a new Christmas tree every year. My grandma goes to the storage and pulls out her trees. Then she always pre-warm up her bases that go to her Christmas tree that reflect light off the bottom, which gives the trees a colorful sparkle. Then my sister and me take all the parts from the box and separate the stems from the upward position from being packed in the box.
YEAH, yeah, yeah my grandma buys artificial trees but they are very expensive. She is willing to pay up to two hundred dollars just for a Christmas tree. An I always criticize her about that, but hey if you want the best you have no choice but to buy it. After we put he tree up in the front room, which is always sitting in a corner beside the front window. We let my little cousin Farad decorate that one with peppermints and let him have the honors of plugging it up to see what it look like.
Then for the second tree in the back part of the house my sister and I take care of that one. Where its positioned in front of a window (the window is in the backyard) for the back of the house can shine with Christmas lighting. But me and my sister slowly assemble the tree and it takes us up to three hours just to do this. Because we like it to be perfect well, atleast I do. After we get the tree up we make sure the tree looks full and then we decorate the tree. After the decorations are put on the tree my grandma put the few gifts that she already have bought under the tree. One other thing we add lights to this particular tree to double up the lights on the tree.
By time we’re done with both trees its near dark so we cut off all the lights in the house and sit and watch the trees sparkle. Sometimes, we fall asleep on the couch while doing this and sometime we sat up and listen to my grandma tell stories of when she was a young girl around this time. Just to get in the Christmas spirit we listen to her stories. About twelve, we go off to bed to leave some of that Christmas spirit for later the following month December.

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